
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Reconnect When You're Too Connected

Our schedules are crazy busy these days.  Mondays are bachelor/bachelorette nights. Wednesday is bowling night. Tuesday or Thursday might be drinks with friends.  We need to slow down.  When we first got married I had grand plans of celebrating life’s everyday moments.  Inspired by the team over at Today’s Letters, I tried to be intentional of building “fun” into every night.  I googled “things presidents ate” for presidents day dinner.  I made Craig have a picnic in the living room floor one day in the middle of winter.  Then, life got in the way.  I realized I didn’t have to make every day a celebration but did need to celebrate every day.  Now Craig and I focus on family meals at the dinner table rather than in front of the television.  It’s nothing fancy, just he and I and our plates.   But, it does allow us to stop and focus on us rather than on our phones and the television.  Once or twice a week we are intentional about turning on some music, pouring a glass of wine, and just enjoying each other’s company.   What do you do to unwind and reconnect? 

1 comment:

  1. One of the things that I looked forward to the most when we moved was getting a 'real' dining table. Now we do family dinners at the table almost every night and you're right - that little bit of time to connect with your spouse and/or kiddos makes a world of difference!
