
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Workout Wednesday

I work for a well-being company.  We wear work out clothes to work everyday, have work out classes, and walking treadmill desks.  Working out and eating healthy is top of mind. Now that the weather has turned, there are hardly any excuses for me to not hit the road and start running again.  This weekend I’ll be running my first 5k of the year. 
My friend Laura made a goal to run one 5k a month throughout 2015.  I was able to finagle my way out of the first two months but decided enough was enough.  Laura finally got tired of my excuses.  I was time for me to join in on the fun.  I don’t love running but it’s a great way to be social and get fit at the same time. For those of you who don’t think you can do a 5k there are some great couch-to-5k running programs out there to get you started.  This month we’ve agreed to start with a walk/run.  We will end the year with the Memphis St. Jude ½ marathon in early December.  It’s a great race.  If you don’t think you can run, set a goal, and sign up for an event.  Call a friend who will hold you accountable.  Make running enjoyable.  Start small and put one foot in front of the other.  Stay tuned as I try out other work out options.


  1. Yay! Go marge! Couch to 5K is what got me started running several years ago. I have a love/hate relationship but there is nothing I hate about race day!!! I looooove races. I've got one coming up on March 28 and the feeling I get inside right before a race starts is the best!

  2. I love the idea of a 5k a month... The snow has *finally* melted so maybe I'll join in on that starting in April!

  3. I could not be more jealous of your walking treadmill desks!!!I'm supposed to run a 1/2 marathon is also supposed to rain! chances of me doing it are 50/50. :-)
